SOLUÇÕES : Collapsed
SUPORTE : Collapsed
SOBRE NÓS : Collapsed

MetLife Telehealth*

Powered by HealthHub

MetLife Telehealth*

Powered by HealthHub

*please consult your policy document first to determine if this coverage is provider by your employer.

Our insured members can now consult a generalist or specialist from the comfort of their own homes. With our telehealth consultation services, members get convenient access to care through a list of doctors ready to cater to their health needs through an integrated video conference. Members may also use this service for ongoing chronic medicine refills.

Call 04-260-8707 to book your Telehealth Appointment.

Telehealth: Everything you need to know

Step 1

Call 04-260-8707 to book your Telehealth Appointment.


Step 2

Patient to share Emirates ID/Passport & Insurance information prior to receiving an authorized appointment link.

Step 3

Patient to join a video conference link (sent via email) at time of appointment.

Step 4

A HealthHub physician shall perform a virtual physical examination as indicated by the patient complaint, and medical history and other relevant information reported by the patient conforming to the standards of medical practice.

Step 5

This examination may include a demonstration or an explicit physician-guided self-examination, as appropriate. If the physician recommends the need for diagnostic follow up, such as blood sample, the physician will send the referral instantaneously to MetLife.

Step 6

If medicine is to be prescribed, it will be done and delivered to your door.  If additional testing is required, Health Hub shall recommend to the patient next steps to be performed.

Currently only the members in the UAE have access to the program

Within 1 hour from the initial call (depending on the selected doctor availability and the patient queue at the time)

8 a.m. – 12 midnight 7days a week.

Call 04-260-8707 to book your appointment.

English, Arabic, French, Hindi, Urdu, Malayalam, Tagalog.

Yes, both GP and specialists are available.

Health hub clinics are fully equipped to cater for further treatment, and you will be referred accordingly.

You will receive a secured link to proceed with the payment on-line.