SOLUÇÕES : Collapsed
SUPORTE : Collapsed
SOBRE NÓS : Collapsed

Other Pre-Pack

Smart and practical employee insurance packages, carefully thought out to work for you, your business and your employees.

Health Plus

Strengthen your business with Health Plus—a pre-packaged solution that includes medical, accident and life insurance for all your employees.

Workman's Accident Shield

Offer your workforce 24/7 cover with a group accident policy that gives them peace of mind, every single day.

Life Shield

An affordable solution to help you invest in your team and satisfy the insurance needs of your workforce.


From calculators to identify your saving needs to online solutions to track and monitor your policies.

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2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vel condimentum purus. Donec viverra nisi id mi lobortis aliquet. Proin dapibus ut tellus pretium porta. Sed nec faucibus lectus. Fusce suscipit lacus eu nunc porttitor, in iaculis sapien volutpat. Duis interdum ex ante, nec facilisis leo mollis sed. Etiam vestibulum rutrum sagittis. Nulla lacinia dictum arcu in fringilla. Aenean non efficitur quam. Suspendisse ut convallis lorem.