SOLUÇÕES : Collapsed
SUPORTE : Collapsed
SOBRE NÓS : Collapsed
mother scarf

Life Insurance

We know that you work hard to protect your loved ones. But have you thought about how they would be able to maintain their cost and quality of living if you weren’t able to provide for them anymore? We have a range of simple, flexible and best-value Life Insurance products to give you, and your loved ones, peace of mind.

Life Insurance

We know that you work hard to protect your loved ones. But have you thought about how they would be able to maintain their cost and quality of living if you weren’t able to provide for them anymore? We have a range of simple, flexible and best-value Life Insurance products to give you, and your loved ones, peace of mind.

Secure Plus
Secure Plus
  • Loss of life due to natural occurrences
  • Accidental loss of life
  • Loss of life due to accident on a common carrier
  • Available to buy online!
Live Life
Live Life
  • Term life coverage from 5-30 years in length
  • Easy and affordable
  • Flexible payment options, protection enhancements and spousal coverage
Future Protect
Future Protect
  • Innovative hybrid insurance-investment solution
  • Full life coverage up till age 95
  • Flexible protection for your family and savings simultaneously

Protection made simple

Not sure where to begin? We’ve created a calculator to assess where you may need protection, and to further explain the whys, whats and hows around it.


We go out of our way to pay what we say.

We’re dedicated to protecting our customers and committed to paying claims fairly, quickly and efficiently. Click here to download our latest claims report.



Discover our blog where we delve into all the information you need to start your financial wellness journey.

Smart SME Solutions

We offer a broad range of smart protection salutions for your business, each tailor-made to your business needs, and designed to give you peace of mind.

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