SOLUÇÕES : Collapsed
SUPORTE : Collapsed
SOBRE NÓS : Collapsed

Savings & Investments

Achieve your goals, grow your investments and protect your wealth, your way.

Investor Advantage
Investor Advantage
  • Maximum flexibility and hassle-free investment
  • No hidden fees and charges
  • Your money will be managed by global fund experts
  • Choose your investment strategy and diversify your funds
International Wealth Builder
International Wealth Builder
  • Investment and savings solution with expanded protection
  • Completely customizable to your goals and life stage
  • Cover for 5 to 25 years, up to age 85 years
  • Extra savings bonus for persistency, starting in year 3
Future Protect
Future Protect
  • Hybrid protection-investment solution – life cover with investment strategies
  • Coverage amount up to $50 million
  • Unique ability to customize your protection and investment requirement any time
  • Starts at just $5 a day

Investment that suits you, not the other way round

Investment isn’t one-size-fits-all, and neither are our solutions. If you’re looking for a convenient, yet personalized approach to growth-oriented investment, we have the perfect solution for you, no matter what your risk appetite or prior investing knowledge is.

Our investment strategies

Conservative if you are a cautious investor – this is the lowest degree of risk.

Balanced if you’re a medium risk investor – this balances risk with potential returns.

Aggressive if you want to maximize returns and are comfortable taking a relatively higher risk.



Discover our blog where we delve into all the information you need to start your financial wellness journey.

Protection made simple

Not sure where to begin? We’ve created a calculator to assess where you may need protection, and to further explain the whys, whats and hows around it.


We go out of our way to pay what we say.

We’re dedicated to protecting our customers and committed to paying claims fairly, quickly and efficiently. Click here to download our latest claims report.


1 Place a legal disclaimer text here.  

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