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Articles from MetLife Blog

Navigating Volatile Markets
Navigating Volatile Markets
With the uncertainties brought on by the coronavirus, it’s more important than ever to fully consider your options and maintain a long-term perspective when investing.
11 Did you Knows about Critical Illness Planning
11 Did you Knows about Critical Illness Planning
MetLife Critical Illness Protection is here to make sure that saving your life won’t cost your life savings. This solution will provide an instant lump sum of up to $500,000 when diagnosed with one of the 32 common critical illnesses, so that you can focus on getting back to health instead of worrying about any financial burdens. Critical Illness is available as a standalone solution or as an optional benefit on MetLife’s Life Protection and Savings solutions.
Budgeting for lifes emergencies
Budgeting for life's emergencies
Car repairs and home appliance break-downs happen to everyone at some point, but there are a lot of unexpected situations that can set you and your family back financially if you’re not prepared. Think about these scenarios when considering how much you should save in your family’s emergency fund.